Reading Resources

Reading on Digital Devices vs. Print Reading Is there a difference in comprehension between the two? This short article, citing research from 25 studies, concludes that print reading supports better comprehension as compared to digital reading.

Understanding Literacy Difficulties vs. Disabilities Many students struggle with reading, reading comprehension and fluency. This article provides background on understanding the difference between a difficulty versus a disability, and what can be done to help students who struggle in these different ways.

Motivating Students to Love Reading The rewards of reading are immense yet many students don’t enjoy picking up a book to read for its inherent enjoyment. This quick read reviews 10 tips to encourage reading.

Encouraging Grade Schoolers to Read Reading is an important skill for children, not just in school, but in everyday life. Not only is it a crucial to improve overall communication skills, research shows children who love reading are do better in other subjects.

The Five Types of Readers Have you ever encountered the student who only reads when absolutely necessary? Or who reads but with minimal comprehension? This article reviews tactics to encourage students to read for the love of reading.

Supporting Students Learning English as a Second Language Many of our students live in households where English is not the first language, and research shows these children benefit from an approach that encourages teaching language and literacy concurrently. Giving equal importance to both oral language and literacy instruction aids in cognition and development more effectively than repetition and memorization.


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