Enrichment, Winter 2023

In addition to Invest in Youth’s weekly one-on-one tutoring, we also provide additional programming through various community partners. Topics include a wide range of subjects including robotics and hydraulics, farm-to-table nutrition and the theater arts. This winter we hosted Play-Well TEKnologies and KidsQuest Museum.

Although the enrichment content varies, our objective is to offer activities and content that our students might not otherwise have the opportunity to participate in. Partners are chosen to help our students explore, solve problems and develop critical thinking skills.

Through Play-Well and KidsQuest, instructors introduced fundamental principles (as well as the vocabulary) of engineering and physics in a fun and interactive environment. With Play-Well students began building vehicles using a pull-back motor, becoming familiar with the interconnectivity of various car parts. In another multi-week session, KidsQuest instructors taught students about the power and potential of hydraulics. Throughout the enrichment, students plan and carry out investigations, analyze and interpret data, and are guided to use math and computational thinking.

During the multi-week ceramics program through KidsQuest students began with journals to document their plans and then created their masterpieces. While creative expression and art appreciation are fundamental concepts the instructors review with students, they also base their programming on flexible thinking, building problem solving skills, expanding vocabularies, and developing writing and language skills.

Next up, we’ll host the 5th Avenue Theater, Museum of Flight and Hunger Interventions (empathy and understanding to increase food security for underserved populations).

All programming is offered at no cost to families or schools through the generosity of the local community. Students are selected to participate in Invest in Youth by their teachers and administrators as those most likely to benefit from our one-on-tutoring. Please consider a gift to support our students through the GIVE link.

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